Everything done right!
What Enpal customers say
Over 95% satisfied customers
Certified reviews

4,4 stars out of 1,979 reviews on Shopauskunft
PV systems installed
More than 70,000 households in Germany produce their own electricity with Enpal.
MWh of electricity produced
Since 2017, our Enpal customers have produced this huge amount of electricity together.
Regional teams
More than 200 regional teams of craftsmen are installing the PV systems throughout Germany.
Award-winning since 2017
Awards, test results & certificates
Enpal in your Neighborhood
Every single pin is a good decision
In the Enpal customer map, we currently only display a part of our more than 70,000 customers throughout Germany.
We are here for you
Advice & service from our experts
Non-binding advice
We will advise you on your Enpal enquiry free of charge and without obligation.
Free service
Do you have any questions? We are here for you directly via email and telephone.
Every customer is a fan
We go the extra mile to turn customers into Enpal fans every day.